Robust cultures of collaboration

Lesson 3 – Problem-solving culture of collaboration

Lesson 3 – Problem-solving culture of collaboration

Thomas Jordan has researched problem-solving cultures and looked at both workplaces that are good at solving problems, and workplaces that are not.

The focus of this lesson is on the communication and collaborative climate in the workplace.

Lesson worksheet PDF

Discuss -worksheet 3

Begin by working in small groups, but finish with a discussion that includes the entire group.

The worksheet contains eight statements. Take turns reading the statements aloud, one at a time.

Discuss how well each statement applies to your workplace and agree on how you would like to rate those statements.

Then color the worksheet with the flower based on the ratings you gave the different statements.

The exercise will take approximately 15 minutes. Use the timer to keep track of the time.

When you're done, scroll down to see the video.



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