The Social Partners’ Council

Work environment from the perspective of social partners

onsdag 10 oktober 2018

In 2016, the social partners agreed to focus within the existing working area on preventing illness and promote health to have a positive impact on sick leave figures.

A good work environment is important for improving operations. The national legislation on work environments is comprehensive, as is the market to provide help in the area. All employers in Sweden have to work systematically with their work environment.

Working conditions in different central government agencies vary and there are different preconditions for issues related to work environments. This working area focuses on features that complement those that already exist.

One aim is to go on providing training courses for employees within central government agencies. These courses have been developed together with social partners in the prioritised target groups: smaller- and middle-sized agencies and universities and colleges, to suit the operations well. They are complementary to existing training. Both traditional and web-based courses will be provided.

The former mission remains. The national social partners for the central government have expressed that it is extremely important for them to jointly support local social partners in their work on preventing and cooperatively handling issues about violence, harassments and threats at work.

In the work the presence of workplace environments where the employee can come in contact with potentially violent persons in ways that may involve threat and violence shall be pinpointed. The connection between risk and security level on one hand and work environment on the other hand shall be illustrated.

The mission includes:

  • Trying to make the website and its extensive content more useful.
  • Develop a concept for providing the training courses to local representatives even if they have not been able to attend the courses in person.
  • Providing seminars to inspire and make available knowledge about factors and conditions that have great impact on health and well being in work life.

The mission in Swedish

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